Saturday, April 8, 2017

Letter to God

I've been struggling with several matters the last few months & was feeling overwhelmed, to say the least :).  So ...a very dear friend suggested I write a letter to God.  This is that letter; if anything resonates with you, please take it in the spirit it was offered, not judgmental but as a caution to be who (and Whose) you say you are. Grace & peace to you all.

Dear God,

I’m not sure why all this is happening, seemingly at once.  Knowing how I love to be in control, you can be sure this has sent me into a tailspin.  My predominant emotions seem to be anger & sorrow.  These emotions are directed, primarily, toward many who say they know You.  It has been enlightening, to say the least, to discover who will help versus those who say they will. 

The story of the Good Samaritan comes to mind.  After I reached out for help, those who attest to being Christ followers are figuratively crossing to the other side of the road, offering feeble excuses for their failure to be Your hands and feet. Meanwhile, while I am lying bruised, battered, and bloodied, those who are not believers reach out to me asking how they can help.  And when I state my need, they offer no excuses but are more than willing to bind my wounds and help. 

Matthew 25:35-45 tells of what happens to those who help the suffering and those who do not.  Verses 35-41 states when “the least of these” are helped, Jesus counts it the same as helping Him.  However, verse 41 says those who refuse to help the suffering are cursed.  That is a pretty harsh statement.  It doesn’t say, “oh, it’s ok that you didn’t help because you are ‘uncomfortable’, it would make you ‘an emotional mess’, or insert excuse here ________”. 

Romans 12:13 says “When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always (emphasis mine) be ready to practice hospitality.”

Titus 3:14 says “And let out people learn to devote (emphasis mine) themselves to good works, so as to help in cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful.”

Saint Teresa of Avila said “Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands, but yours, no feet but yours.  Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.”

So, God, if you could explain this disparity to me, I would appreciate it.  The help and support that is given I take as grace from You during this time & thank You for it.  It really helps me to feel I am not walking this road alone.

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